As the DCU Fashion Show 2009 hurtles towards us, I've decided it would be a good idea to upload some of my photos from last years show. I hope to wrangle a press pass for this years show, so watch out for photos on this blog after April 1st. For more information on this years show, and for tickets visit THE HELIX WEBSITE or call the Helix Box office on 01 700 7000
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Hello. Welcome to my photo blog. I'm Gary, a recent graduate of Dublin City University.
I currently work for Google but am constantly involved in one freelance design/photography project or another. I wanted to put together an online presence of some sort and figured a blog is as good a place as any to start.
Why not browse through my recent entries and get a flavor of the type of shots/designs i've been doing lately. I'll also stick up any nice pieces of photography or design I find along my travels.
Please feel free to comment on my blog, any feedback is greatly appreciated. Enjoy!
If you have an event that you would like me to photograph or would like to get in touch you can do so by emailing: gary.boylan2(at) or calling +353 86 3070650 Cheers, Gary
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